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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Meindl NZ Team!

Selecting The Right Boot

What type of boots do I need?

To assist the new boot buyer Meindl have developed a system that guides the buyer to identifying the best boot model for his or her requirements. This system clearly shows which model Meindl offers the best performance for each type of terrain.

A walking, trekking boot that is designed for use on trails has a distinctively different motion/function to a boot that is designed for off trail use. When walking or hiking on trails the normal bi-pedal motion is heel striking the ground, rolling forward on the outside edge of the foot, rolling up onto the ball of the foot and springing forward off the toes. Where there are no trails in steep terrain it is not possible to walk; the foot is placed, using the toe of the boot to go up, edge of the boot to sidle around and the heel of the boot to go down.

We can compare this to motor vehicles - a modern car designed for use on roads is easy to drive, comfortable and offers a smooth ride, however it is not designed or capable of rugged off-road use. A vehicle designed for off-road 4WD use is much higher, stiffer in suspension and stronger in construction and this is basically the same for trail walking boots when compared to boots designed for off trail use.

Meindl Category A - The Perfect All Rounder For All Day And Everyday UseCategory A - The Perfect All Rounder For All Day And Everyday Use

This category of boot is designed for use on relatively flat formed walking trails, casual use and wine bar tramping. It incorporates lightweight EVA chassis with Permanently Elastic (POM) Sprung Arch Support and the Meindl Multi-Grip Sole.

Meindl Category A/B - Light Hiking And Trail WalkingCategory A/B - Light Hiking And Trail Walking

Durability and comfort are the qualities in this classic light tramping boot range. Ideal for trail walking including reasonably rugged and poorly formed trails and tracks. Features include lightweight fully orthotic polyamide shanks, MFS mouldable foam linings, synthetic mesh internal forms for continual support even when the boot is wet, and the Meindl/Vibram Multi-Grip sole.

Meindl Category B - Classic Hiking And Tramping BootCategory B - Classic Hiking And Tramping Boot

The B Category boot is a true classic range of models designed for aggressive trail walking and hiking on steeper and more demanding trails. Features include the Meindl medium strength fully orthotic shank, MFS mouldable foam linings, full synthetic internal support forms to keep the boot in shape when wet offering maximum support at all times and the Meindl Multi-Griff profile sole for prolonged tramping and trailwalking.

Meindl Category B/C - The Ultimate Tramping BootCategory B/C - The Ultimate Tramping Boot

The B/C range of boots are the most aggressive tramping/hiking boots and have enough torsional strength, tibial support and hardness of sole to offer a low level of sidling off trail ability. This range has stronger fully orthotic shanks, MFS mouldable foam linings, synthetic mesh internal supports that hold the boot in shape when wet and the Meindl/Vibram Multi-Grip Sole.

Meindl Category C - Sub Alpine / Off Trail Sidling BootCategory C - Sub Alpine / Off Trail Sidling Boot

This range of boots is designed for use in off-trail situations where very little heel and toe walking is actually done. Consequently the shank in this model is very strong fully orthotic polyamide with MFS mouldable linings, synthetic mesh internal supports for continual support when the boot is wet, insulation for colder weather conditions and the Meindl/Vibram Multi-Grip Sole of harder compound for cutting in and holding an edge.

Meindl Category D - The ultimate High-Mountain Alpine BootCategory D - The ultimate High-Mountain Alpine Boot

The High Alpine range of boots has a very rigid fully orthotic polyamide shank with spring steel reinforce. The leather uppers of this range are maximum thickness with internal synthetic forms to achieve the most tibial support possible. Synthetic mesh internal supports are used to insure the uppers when wet still offer the maximum support needed in extreme conditions, MFS mouldable foam linings ensure an exact fit to foot form and they are fully insulated for extreme climatic conditions. The soles used in this range are Vibram Crack Montagna.